
the basics information of laptop battery

the basics information of laptop battery(2)


Nickel Metal hydride batteries are better replacements for NiCd batteries. These NiMH

batteries are compatible with most of the older laptops. The elimination of the toxic cadmium in

this type of battery makes it environmentally safe than the NiCd batteries. Also these batteries

are easily available in the market for a cheaper price.


The lithium ion rechargeable batteries are the type of batteries in which the lithium ion moves

between the anode and the cathode. Lithium ion batteries are the most commonly used ones in

consumer electronics. They are currently the most popular batteries that are used in most of the

portable devices. These LiON batteries have excellent energy to weight ratio, no memory effect,

and slow loss of charge when not in use. However, the unique drawback of the Li-ion battery is

that its life span is dependent upon aging from time of manufacturing (shelf life) regardless of

whether it was charged, and not just on the number of charge/discharge cycles. So an older

battery will not last as long as a new battery due solely to its age, unlike other batteries. Though

the LiON batteries have this disadvantage, the advantages overweigh them is hence it is most

preferred laptop battery in use today.

article source :https://www.amazines.com/article_detail.cfm?articleid=493825

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