
the use of laptop battery

the use of laptop battery(2)

If the use of nickel-metal hydride batteries, such an approach is right, you can minimize the

battery memory effect. However, lithium batteries, not copy them is not appropriate for the

maintenance, but there may be damage. Because of over-charging and discharging battery will

rapidly reduce the activity.

Therefore, the use of the process, deliberately not to charge 100 percent, electricity use up to

use the automatic shutdown of the strike only way to safeguard the general use about 10% to

begin charging, charging about 98% will be able to stop the charge, so Will not damage the

battery and, if necessary, also have the option every 2 months or so to use the software to carry

out a correction to the battery, making the protection circuit can give full play to the role.

● two errors: the battery when not in the best off, to avoid over-charging

In fact, the problem of over-charging for a well-designed Li-ion battery is non-existent, because

there are lithium battery protection circuit. When the lights go out when charging that the

charge did not.

The number of rechargeable batteries have a direct bearing on life in general, the

lithium battery charge and discharge frequency is fixed, usually about 500, most no more than

800, many companies take into account the vulnerability of the Inspiron 700m battery, thereby

increasing the battery Circuit protection, not satisfied with certain conditions will not be


However, due to the lithium battery overheating in the environment, will speed up the pace of

aging. As a result, hot summer, if not always use the battery can be taken into account down to

prevent damage caused by overheating.

the article source:http://www.digi163.com/blog/post/92.html

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