
How to Save Laptop Battery Power When You Really Need it

How to Save Laptop Battery Power When You Really Need it(1)

the method is

1.Dimming Your Screen

Your screen and hard drive use up more battery power than any other parts of your computer.

You can dim down your screen to a point where your eyes still feel comfortable but you also save

energy. On most laptops, you first dim the screen by holding down the “Fn?key (go ahead and

find it because you may never have used it before). Then you look for a key on your laptop that

either has a picture of a sun or a half-moon. (On my Sony Vaio that key happens to be F5.) If

you find it, go ahead and hit it while still holding down the Fn key. A brightness adjustment box

should show up on your screen. If you can’t find a key with a sun or half-moon on it, try hitting

your various arrow keys while holding down Fn, to see if that works.

2.Turning Off Your Screen Altogether

If dimming your screen is good for saving battery life, turning it off when you’re not using it is

even better. To turn off your screen, we’re going to have to go into some settings in the Control

Panel. You’ll soon see these settings are not only good for turning off screens; they perform a

whole host of battery saving functions.

Click on Start, then on Control Panel. If your Control Panel is shown in the “Category View,?

click first on Performance and Maintenance, then on Power Options. If your Control Panel is in

Classic View, simply click on the Power Options icon. Next click on the Power Schemes Tab.

Underneath where it says Running on Batteries and across from where it says Turn Off Monitor,

choose how quickly you’d like your monitor to shut off when you’re not actively using it.

That Power Options Properties box we just opened brings us to a whole host of other enticing

options we can employ on our cross-country flight!

the article source:http://article.websitecn.com/html/article-6/512.html

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