
Lithium-ion rechargeable battery in the right ways

Lithium-ion rechargeable battery in the right ways(1)

In the use of lithium batteries should be noted that for a period of time after the battery is

placed into hibernation, lower than normal capacity at this time, the time has also come to

shorten. However, lithium batteries can easily activated, as long as after 3-5 times the normal

charge-discharge cycle of the battery can be activated, the resumption of normal capacity. As

the laptop battery lithium own characteristics, its decision is almost no memory effect.

Therefore, cell phone users in a new lithium battery in the activation process does not require

special methods and equipment. Not only is the theory that, from my own practice, from the

very beginning, the use of standard methods of charging that "activation" is the best way.

Lithium batteries for the "activation", a large number of claims: the time to charge more than 12

hours, repeated three times to do in order to activate the battery. "The first three necessary and

sufficient to charge more than 12 hours", it is obvious from the nickel battery (such as nickel-

cadmium and nickel metal hydride) inherited. This is why it can be said is the beginning of

miscommunication. Lithium batteries and nickel battery charge and discharge characteristics of

a very big difference, but also very clear to tell you that I have had access to all the serious

official stressed that all technical information and charge-off will discharge lithium batteries,

especially lithium liquid Ion battery causing great harm.

the article source:http://www.digi163.com/blog/post/102.html

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