
Lithium-ion rechargeable battery in the right ways

Lithium-ion rechargeable battery in the right ways(3)

2, in normal use when the charge should be In our forums, often see this as the number of

charging and discharging is limited, so should the cell phone battery power used up as much as

possible and then charge. But I find on a lithium-ion battery charge and discharge cycle test

table, on the life cycle of figures is as follows: Life cycle (10% DOD):> 1000 times Life cycle

(100% DOD):> 200 times DOD is the depth of the discharge of which the initials. Can be seen

from the table, the number of rechargeable and about the depth of discharge, 10% DOD at the

time of the life cycle than 100% DOD's a lot longer. Of course, if the actual charge equivalent to

the total capacity of the relative: 10% * 100 = 1000 100% * 200 = 200, which is the complete

charge and discharge, or better than some, but in front of friends do say that some of the

amendments: Under normal circumstances, you should have a reservation in accordance with

the remaining battery power and then run out of charge to the principle Charge, but if your

battery is expected in the first 2 days you can not To adhere to the whole day, should start on

time charge, of course, if you are willing to carry another charger to the office when Bielun.

the article source:http://www.digi163.com/blog/post/102.html

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