
Destroy a Hard Drive

How to Destroy a Hard Drive

Sometimes, erasing a hard drive simply will not do. In these cases, you must obliterate the object in question.


1.Re-write over the drive several times before you go any further; the standard is 8. Many antivirus systems have this feature. This has to do with how the drive stores the information.

2.Subject the hard drive to an exceedingly powerful magnetic field so if for some reason that it survives subsequent treatment, data will be unrecoverable.

3.Place hard drive on driveway and run over it with the heaviest available vehicle. This is NOT recommended as it will puncture your tires and not even come close to completely destroying it.

4.Take hard drive to nearest industrial blender (if one is available) and grind it into dust. If no blender is available, repeatedly hit the hard drive with a 40lb sledgehammer.

5.Scatter dust/dispose of hard drive chunks at nearest landfill.

6.Have fun! Play catch! Slam it repeatedly into the ground until it comes apart! Unscrew it so you can use the internal disc as whatever! Stick a bunch of fireworks to it!

7.Take out the powerful magnets and pretend you have psychic powers.


The inner disc itself is the most integral part of the system, ensure that it is thoroughly damaged before disposal.


Don't inhale any particulate matter generated by crushing the drive.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Destroy-a-Hard-Drive

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