
Make a "Clean Day" for Your Computer

How to Make a "Clean Day" for Your Computer

Cleaning out your computer at least once a month will make a world of difference in the performance of the machine.

1.Devote some time into this, create a batch file, or use Windows Scheduler, if it's available.

2.Start the Following programs, in order:

3.Spybot: Search & Destroy. Get it at SpyBot.com; SpyBot takes up to an hour to finish its job.

4.AdAware. Google search it, and download it. The point is that AdAware gets what SpyBot does not look for, and vice versa

5.MRT. Go to Run, type in MRT , and hit enter.

6.Your Anti-Virus software of choice. Start a full scan.

7.Your Registry Cleaner of choice.

8.Disk Clean Up; Go to Run, type in cleanmgr and hit enter. Pick what you want to be deleted, compressed, or otherwise.

9.Defragmenter. Go to run, type in defrag , and hit enter.

10.For free, Windows Live OneCare saftey scanner does all of this. Go to OneCare.com and look for Saftey Scanner. Run all three tools.

11.If you are running XP or Vista, press WindowsKey + L to disconnect your session, when you plan to leave your computer alone. This sends you to the Welcome Screen, with all of your programs still running.

1.Run these programs one at a time.

2.NEVER do anything with the computer while Defragmenter is running. Doing so could permanently damage your hard drive.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-%22Clean-Day%22-for-Your-Computer

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