
the laptop battery life

the laptop battery life

why completely discharging a laptop battery would help keep it in peak condition. As many of

you would know, rechargable batteries tend to suffer from a memory effect, where they tend to

charge up only to the highest level they were last charged up to, and discharge only to the lowest

level they were last discharged to. The trick for battery manufacturers has been to engineer

batteries to avoid this effect. Batteries are much better now than they were, but it is still the

case that if you tend to only partially discharge your laptop battery before recharging it, you will

probably find that the maximum battery life will decline, perhaps markedly.

The best example I saw of this recently was with someone who has an IBM Thinkpad. The

battery life had dropped to less than an hour. IBM provide a neat utility that gives you a

constant view of the state of the battery. Using that as a guide, the owner was able to discharge

and recharge the battery more fully each time until it got back to a two hour battery life. Maybe

this problem will go away when we get laptops with fuel cells, but until then, it's still a good habit

to discharge your battery as much as possible (or practical) before recharging it. For my part, I

usually try to wait till mine is down to 10-15% of its peak charge before recharging it.

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