
the laptop battery life

the laptop battery life(3)

二.Running heavy resource eating programs:

Don't expect your battery to get you through a 2 hour movie. Watching movies on

your laptop is a huge drain on the battery life. If you had a second battery on

hand, this would probably be OK.

三.Monitor brightness setting:

The largest resource hog for a laptop battery is the systems monitor. You can add

some life by finding the brightness control and turning it down as far as you can


四.Age of the battery:

Many people believe that a laptops battery is only good for about a year. This

sure hasn't been the case for me. I have been a power user on many laptops for

many years and I can tell you that a laptop battery seems to do very well way

past the first year on into the second. But, after the second year, you will

probably notice a performance fade.

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