How to Get Rid of SpySheriff and Spyaxe Malware
SpySheriff, SpyAxe, and related malware programs are becoming an increasingly common internet nuisance. These programs are automatically installed without your permission by some disreputable websites. They change a number of settings on your computer, including your desktop background. They also disable some of your administrative controls, making it difficult or impossible to get rid of the new settings.
1.Go to this page and read the instructions carefully.
2.Download the free tool called SmitRem.exe and save it to your desktop.
3.If you are using Windows XP, disable System Restore. Right click My Computer, select "Properties," go to the "System Restore" tab, and check "Disable System Restore on All Drives."
4.Close all open windows and double click on the SmitRem folder to open it. Click on RunThis.bat to start the removal tool.
5.Follow the instructions the script provides.
6.Run Ad-Aware or a similar spyware removal tool to be remove any lingering components (and any other malware that may exist on your system).
1.Ironically, the purpose of these malware programs is to convince you that your PC is infected with spyware, causing you to pay the developers for removal tools. Do not pay for SpySheriff or SpyAxe. Most (if not all) of the "infections" these programs detect are phony - they generate false positives in order to scare you into purchasing the (useless) software.
2.If SmitRem fails to remove the malware, reboot into Safe Mode (by pressing F8 while windows is starting up). Run the tool again.
3.If you don't have anti-spyware programs installed, take this opportunity to install them. SpySheriff and SpyAxe are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the threats you are exposed to on today's Internet.
4.A new program called RogueRemover will remove it (and many other rogue applications) for you. This program is located at
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