
Make a Simple Electric Generator

How to Make a Simple Electric Generator(4)


11.Support the paper cylinder with the wire windings at the center of the shaft with the bar magnet centered on the wire windings. You may simply cut cardboard legs that can be glued to the cylinder, or build a wire frame from a coat hanger or similar stiff wire to accomplish this.

12.Turn the shaft with your fingers to see if the ends of the magnet hit the inside of the tube. It must turn freely, but be as close as possible to the tube. Again, having the magnet's ends as close the copper wire windings will increase the "exciting" action of the magnetic fields the magnet produces.

13.Glue a washer on each end of the shaft outside the wood supports.

14.Attach the two wires you have loose at the ends of the windings to a flashlight bulb or other low voltage lamp, or connect the test leads from a voltmeter or multimeter to them.

15.Spin the shaft as fast as possible. You may want to wind a string around the end of the shaft as you would a toy "top", then pull it sharply, or just spin it with your fingers. You should get a small voltage, enough to light a 1.5 volt light bulb by manually spinning the shaft.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Simple-Electric-Generator

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