
Print Blocked Images

How to Print Blocked Images(1)

If you have ever tried to print an Internet image that has been blocked, or had reason to print or save an entire web page then this is the article for you.


1.Go to the web site or image that you want to print. Center the desired image on your screen.

2.Find the 'Print Screen' key on your keyboard. It is usually on the top row of keys, near the right. Hold down the Print Screen key and the 'Control' key for about 2 seconds. That will save the whole page that you are viewing.

3.Click on your 'Start' button, located in the lower left corner of your screen.

4.Hold the cursor (arrow) over 'All Programs'. When the large menu opens choose 'Microsoft Word' and click to open up a blank Word document.

5.Put your cursor on the blank Word document and right click for a menu. Choose 'Paste'. In a few seconds the whole page you were viewing will be pasted onto the Word document.

6.If you want to print the entire page you can go to the top of the Word document , click on the 'Print' icon, and print the whole page.

7.However, if you want to refine your printing to just one image or one section then proceed with these instructions to unclutter your page.

8.Right click on the Word document to get a menu. Choose 'Format Picture'.

9.A box pops up that gives you choices of how much to crop off each side of the page. Don't panic...you can easily change the cropping (cutting) to save more or less of the page. Make a guess of how much you want to crop off depending where the image is located. Click on the arrows in each of the four cropping boxes; Right, Left, Top, Bottom. Then click OK.

10.Now you are viewing your own edited version. Decide which sides need to be cropped further -or- did you cut too much off? No problem. Just right click again/ format picture/ crop some more, or add some back on.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Print-Blocked-Images

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