
Make a Simple Electric Generator

How to Make a Simple Electric Generator(1)

Building a simple, low powered electric generator can be a fun science fair project, or just a workshop experiment for a would-be engineer. The parts are simple, inexpensive, and easy to find.


1.Decide how large a project you are interested in building. There are design and engineering considerations that could be taken up, but for simplicity's sake, this article will give instructions for a simple, low output generator.

2.Acquire the materials you will need. The sizes and specifications can be adjusted to raise the output capacity of your generator, but this is a basic overview of the project.

a.22-28 ga. insulated or enameled copper wire. About 25 feet will produce a modest electrical current. More "windings", and larger wire, coupled with a stronger magnet will increase the power output.

b.3 or 4 inch bar magnet. (Should fit lengthwise in the cardboard tube, below, with a little clearance)

c.1/4 inch diameter steel or aluminum rod, 12 inches in length.

d.24 inches of 1X4 lumber.

e.4 inch paper or card board tube.

f.2 - 1/4 inch flat washers.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Simple-Electric-Generator

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