
Increasing Notebook Battery Power(四)

Increasing Notebook Battery Power(四)

Increase the RAM memory, if an extra slot is available, as this puts fewer burdens on the hard

disk, which consumes a lot of battery power. Avoid multimedia games while you are running

your notebook on battery power. Similarly, avoid music or movies. Copy the CD/DVD on the

hard disk and play it from there, instead of the optical drive. Disable WiFi and Bluetooth. Built-in

wireless cards should also be disabled. Decrease or set to mute the notebook speaker volume.

Turn off all preprogrammed scheduled tasks. All unused open applications should be closed. The

general guideline is that when your notebook is on battery power, you should perform only such

operations, which are the need of the hour. Rest of the applications can be performed, when your

notebook is connected to the mains.

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