
Maintenance and troubleshooting your laptop battery!(五)

Maintenance and troubleshooting your laptop battery!

Once you have completed turning off the power management in both the BIOS and the
Operating System, you must unplug the computer, turn the computer on and let it run until it
completely runs out of electricity. Then you should charge the battery for 12 hours. At the end of
the charging cycle, then run the computer again until the battery is dead, and then charge the
battery for 12 more hours. You should repeat this process four times, before returning the
computer to its original power management settings.As far as battery usage goes, it is
recommended that you should use the battery once every two weeks, and keep the battery in
the system so that the AC adapter can keep the battery charged at all times. It is also
recommended that if you don't use the battery for more than two weeks, you should completely
discharge the battery and store it at room temperature.

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