
Maintenance and troubleshooting your laptop battery!(四)

Maintenance and troubleshooting your laptop battery

Battery Memory is an odd little creature. The concept of battery memory is reminiscent of

Pavlovian Conditioning. Do you remember the story about Pavlov and his dogs? Pavlov would

serve his dogs food and when they realized it was dinner time, he would ring a bell. After some

time of conditioning his dogs, all he would have to do to get the dogs to salivate, was to ring the

bell. Battery Memory is a lot like that.Battery memory is where the battery becomes

conditioned to run for less time than it is designed to run. Say for example, you run your

computer on battery for an hour and then you plug it back in to let it recharge. The battery will

become conditioned to run only an hour before it runs out of juice.To correct Battery Memory

problems, you must completely drain the battery and recharge it. To completely drain your

battery, you must go into your Windows Control Panel and select Power. Then you must turn

Power Management Off. Next, you must go into your BIOS and make sure that if there is a

power management setting there, that you turn it off as well. In most cases, once you are inside

the BIOS, you will highlight Power Management and press Enter. Then locate the item

Hibernation at Critical Battery, and by using the Minus sign, change the setting to Off. Once

these steps have been completed, then use your Escape key to return to the top level menu, and

select Save Settings and Exit.

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