
Become Computer Literate

How to Become Computer Literate(3)


1.Do not be fooled by unrealistic claims. A good rule of thumb is "if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!". And do not put your mobile or home phone number anywhere unless you have read and understood ALL the terms and conditions. Who knows, once claimed a free ringtone, now a broken cell.

2.Do not over estimate how good your computer is or how much room because your computer could overload.

3.Do not pay for help unless you have no other alternative.

4.If you download files, make sure to run a virus check on it before you open it. It may contain a virus or other mal-ware that can pose a threat to your system.

5.Be careful about opening attachments in emails, especially from people you don't know, since the attachment may give you a virus.

6.Remember, when it comes to viruses, if you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Stay protected.

7.Dangerous emails can also come from your friends. If they have opened and/or received an email with an attachment, it may hijack their address book and send the program to everyone in it.

Things You'll Need

A computer and Internet connection (personal or public)
A helpful person or other resource

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