
Set Up a Good Computer Security System

How to Set Up a Good Computer Security System

Here are probably some really good programs to make yourself a good computer security system. Now there are better but they do cost money and many people are broke and cannot afford it so here you go. All programs listed are free and can be found using any search engine.


1.Know that a more secure browser is Mozilla Firefox while Internet Explorer is good, but not good enough.

2.Get Mozilla Firefox. Stay away from the Beta Versions and get the more stable version. Mozilla Firefox 3.0.6.

3.Protect your Computer

Avast, which is an anti-virus program that will help protect your computer and your software.

4.Avg Free Edition, Avg Free Edition is a anti-virus and anti-spyware program that is available free for home use.

5.Comodo Firewall, which is a firewall that protects your computer against hackers.

6.Zone Alarm, Zone Alarm is a free for home use firewall, it does not include all the features of Zone Alarm Pro but it still provides a good amount of protection.

7.Search and Destroy, which is a spyware scanner and then will delete spyware off of your computer.

8.FreeOTFE, which is a virtual drive system which allows you to store sensitive files securely

9.Note: Getting the Program below Prevx CSI isnt a must because Comodo Firewall also protects againest Malware just not as good

a prevx CSI, Which is a malware scanner that will scan and delete malware off your computer.

b Peerguardian 2, this will block IP addresses of the government, educational universities , schools and other people from accessing your computer system.

Don't want to use Peerguardian or do and want to use another IP Blocker? Download Blocklist Manager.

c Be anonymous to the Internet, as in others not seeing your IP Address when you access websites.

d.Download Vidalia Bundle, which includes Vidalia program and privacy and Tor program which all together can make a very strong anonymous system when configured correct. also must have the Tor plugin for your Firefox.

e Stop your internet from going slow with that Vidalia Bundle, and must have Tor Button enabled okay then use a really good proxy site like bypassthat.com.

f Use Intrusion Detection System and Intrustion Prevention System one being Snort for your computer and another being Firekeeper for your firebox browser for searching the web

g Use a script blocker for extra script protection against javascripts or other java plugins like No Script

10.Another good program for safely browsing is using Sandboxie which is a sandbox-type isolation software for the Microsoft Windows operating system. It creates a "container" in which programs can be safely launched without modifying the host operating system

11.Check the GRC WWW site to make sure your firewall works

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Set-Up-a-Good-Computer-Security-System

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