
Connect an External Tv Tuner Card to Your Desktop

How to Connect an External Tv Tuner Card to Your Desktop(2)


11.Insert the terrestrial antenna jack into the antenna socket of the card.

12.Switch on the entire setup. (In some cases, you could hear a beeping sound from the speakers).

13.Use the remote control bundled with the card and make sure it has proper batteries in it.

14.Press the power button and the desktop monitor should show some display resembling a disturbed TV transmission.

15.Treat the setup like a regular TV and tune the channels.

16.Turn the TV off, and you can continue working on your desktop normally.


1.Some of the tuner cards have an automatic tuning facility which can be invoked by pressing a single key from the remote.

2.If initially, you do not hear any sound, try swapping the sockets of the two audio cables plugged into the tuner card.

3.The TV tuner card can also be run without switching on your desktop. Just the monitor needs to be powered on. In fact, you do not need a CPU cabinet at all, just a monitor is enough!


Make sure that when you are plugging in cables, the power is turned off.

Things You'll Need

A desktop

An external TV-tuner card with all its cables.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Connect-an-External-Tv-Tuner-Card-to-Your-Desktop

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