
Clean the Inside of a Computer

How to Clean the Inside of a Computer(4)

1.Never use a feather duster, Swiffer-type product, or vacuum inside your computer. Such tools can generate static charges which have the ability to fry internal components. (Using latex gloves is another way of making sure that you don't fry the computer, also do not work in an area where static charges are frequent such as the carpet or Styrofoam mats)

2.Blowing on the inside of your computer is not recommended. This does very little and you run the risk of accidentally spitting on internal components. You might also churn dust up into your face.

3.Never touch internal components. It is not necessary to touch anything inside your computer while cleaning it. The less contact you make the better.

4.Although the process above is very safe, dusting can still lead to anomalous errors. While rare, dusting can sometimes cause just the wrong particle to settle in just the wrong place. However, the benefits of cleaning out your computer far outweigh the risks. In addition, NOT cleaning your computer can eventually lead to overheating and component failure.

5.Always hold the can of compressed air upright. An inverted can of compressed air can let out bursts of liquid which can damage electronic components.

Things You'll Need
1.Canister of compressed air or small air compressor.
2.Suitable workspace with adequate ventilation for dust.
3.Screw driver and any other tools necessary to open your computer. This will vary according to the machine you have. Some computers do not need to be unscrewed to open.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Clean-the-Inside-of-a-Computer

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