
Clean a Keyboard

How to Clean a Keyboard(2)

How to Clean a Keyboard

1.Switch off the machine and disconnect the keyboard.

2.Turn the keyboard upside down and remove all the screws.

3.Lift the top half of the keyboard (The one with the keys on it) off and put the bottom half to one side.

There may be some clips on the keyboard, also, check for screws hidden under labels.

4.Turn the top half around so that you can see the backs of the keys, squeeze the tabs on each key to remove it, the space-bar will have a metal rod, this may be a pain to refit, but is not impossible.

5.Fill a bowl with hot soapy water (Fairy Liquid works well)

6.Dump the keys into the bowl and scrub with a brush.

7.Remove the keys and leave to dry or dry with a hair dryer.

8.Place the empty top half of the keyboard into the bowl and scrub until clean.

9.Once everything is dry, reassemble the keyboard.

10.Press both halves of the keyboard firmly together, if you miss the clips in the middle your keys wont reach the circuits and wont spring up.

11.Plug in your keyboard, switch on your PC, enjoy.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Clean-a-Keyboard

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