
Bypass a Firewall or Internet Filter

How to Bypass a Firewall or Internet Filter(1)

Don't you hate it when you go to a website at school and find out that the school firewall blocks it? This guide will teach you how to bypass the web filter to access your websites.


Browse by IP

1.Go to START -> Run. Enter cmdand hit enter, or click on START -> Program Files -> Accessories -> Command Prompt to open the Command Prompt window.

2.If your school has disabled access to the command prompt, right click, go to New, and select Text Document. In the text document simply type cmd then save the file as command.bat or, if this doesn't work, command.com Make sure you switch the Save As Type field in Notepad's Save dialogue to All Files. Double Click and you have successfully gained access to the command prompt.

3.If that doesn't work, perform the following steps at home and bring the IP address to school.

4.Once in the Command Prompt, enter ping x, replacing the x with any website of your choice. For example, if you are looking to access Google, then you would enter ping google.com into the prompt [leave out the HTTP://]. You can also use the nslookup command in a similar fashion. Using the same site as an example you can type nslookup www.google.com at the command prompt. Just be sure to refer to the Non-authoritative Answer for the steps that follow.

5.You will see a set of four numbers [here,] is Google's IP address.

6.Open your browser window. In the address bar, type http://x.x.x.x, replacing the x's with the ping address, and hit enter [for example,]. This will give you access to Google.

7.If the web filter blocked even the IP address of the site, you can take each number in the IP and convert it to a Hexadecimal format. Then in the browser enter http:// 0x(hex1).0x(hex2).0x(hex3).0x(hex4).

Create a redirect domain

Create an account at Dot.tk and create a ".tk" domain for that site. This works great for two reasons. First of all, many firewalls use keyword blocking. For example, if the domain for a website contains the word "sex," it may be blocked regardless of what the page is actually about. Therefore, all you need to do is give your .tk version a different name. It also works because .tk is not an actual domain, rather a redirect to a domain, and probably won't be blocked.

Browse by Proxy

1.Try using (remove spaces) badfox . co.cc ,It just came out I will update this when new ones come

2.Find a proxy site. Do a search for "free online proxies". This will provide you with a list of proxies to bypass filters.

3.Find a proxy site that is obviously, not blocked by the filters.

4.Type the name of the site you want to access into the box. Most sites have a checkbox that says "block scripts"; it is better to uncheck this.

5.If none of these work, download and install Firefox and manually change the proxy settings by going to Tools > Options > Connection Settings > And change the Proxy Settings to a proxy. Go to ask.com and search proxy lists.

Browse Translation

1.Go to a website translation site, such as Babelfish or Google Translate

2.Enter the desired site in the translate URL box and choose an obscure language to translate into English.

3.Browse the site.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Bypass-a-Firewall-or-Internet-Filter

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