
Install a CPU Chip

How to Install a CPU Chip(1)

The CPU or Central Processing Unit is indeed the brains behind any computer system. Without the cpu chip, the computer simply can't do anything at all. The cpu has three sections, the ALU, or Arithmetic Logic Unit, the Registers and its Control Unit. As these chips become faster and faster, the ram memory must also keep up with the development and thus, become much faster as well.


1.Determine which CPU is in your computer either by reading the startup screen or using diagnostic software. You may also determine your cpu type and speed by removing the system unit cover and taking a good long look at the chip. Look at the label on the chip to determine its model, speed,and the manufacturer.

Note: If a Heat Sink or a Fan is installed on top of the chip, you will have to remove these components to view the cpu label.

2.Turn off and unplug the system unit.

3.Disconnect any components that may be in the way of removing the system unit's cover.

4.Remove the screws from the rear of the case and slide the cover away from the system unit case.

5.Place the cover away in a safe place.

6.Remove any and all electrical static charge from your clothes and body by touching a doorknob or any other grounded object.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Install-a-CPU-Chip

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