
Bypass a Firewall or Internet Filter

How to Bypass a Firewall or Internet Filter(4)


1.Be careful that no teachers or any other individuals that might tell see you in the act, or you could get into serious trouble, especially when using the command prompt.

2.Be advised that many schools and other organizations employ logging of all network data. Your organization's IT department will be able to track this activity, which is against network usage policies. This basically means that your computer activity might be recorded, such as website history data entered, etc. Some programs can also view everything you do on your computer, just like if someone was recording what you were doing with a camera.

3.Be sure to know what the consequences of doing this is before attempting it. This is classified as computer tampering and is most likely against your School rules, if caught you can get into serious trouble, if you are sure that you are not being watched tracked or know that there are not serious consequences for doing this then you should only do the above

4.No one is responsible for your actions but you, you are choosing to do this at your own risk, do not blame the authors of this article, we have no affiliation with you and your actions, so think before you act!

5.Also note that in the UK, using the school's computer system in this way is illegal under the Computer Misuse Act. It comes with a hefty fine and even jail time.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Bypass-a-Firewall-or-Internet-Filter

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