
Bypass a Firewall or Internet Filter

How to Bypass a Firewall or Internet Filter(3)

Instant Messaging


GroovyNotes is an Instant Messenger that only uses the standard HTTPS port to communicate, which allows it to pass through almost any firewall.

1.Go to groovynotes.com
2.Click the link to Install the extension
3.After installing, invite your friends
4.Start chatting away!

Gmail/Yahoo mail

Gmail supports Instant Messaging over AIM or their own gTalk protocol. Yahoo mail also offers some limited chat functionality inside its interface.


1.Delete your browsing history when *Keep a website you are supposed to be on open while doing this so you can switch at a moment's notice.

2.Some websites have alternate https addresses that are basically the same, but with a secure connection. Depending on the type of filter your school uses, using an https address will trick the filter into thinking it's a different website. Simply type https:// before any urls you visit. (Example: https://www.URLHERE.com) Note: Not many websites use secure connections, so this will only work for some sites.

3.If your school uses a word filter that blocks access by scanning sites for word content, use Picidae (pici.picidae.net). A picidae server will deliver the whole site as a non-interactive screen shot.

Keep in mind that this method does not work for most websites.

4.Sign up for the Circumventor newsletter. Go to any of the Circumventor sites (a favorite is FrogTunnel.com) and sign up for the post. That way, even if the school catches on, you'll always have an updatable list.

5.An alternative way to get the IP of the blocked site would be to Google "Bypass Ping Server". Continue with above steps. Warning: This is even more easily traceable.

6.Your school may use content filtering at the packet level. They might see what you're doing even if you are going through a proxy. In order to circumvent this, try to find a proxy that you can use via SSL.

7.You can also go through Google. Type in your search, then click the "cached" link.

8.If your school has disabled command prompt, open a new text file. Type in "ping x" (where x is the IP address), press Enter, and type "pause". Save this file as a .bat file, close the text editor, and open your .bat file. It will open up command prompt and run your command for you.

9.Another way you can get around a disabled command prompt is by going to notepad and click on open then type in c:windowssystem32 or c:winntsystem32 and find cmd or command and right click it and open it.

10.If you created a PHP Proxy, use different names. Do not create a host called "mycoolproxy.phphost.com/hacker-proxy.php".

11.Don't tell everyone about what you did, or the security hole will be found and repaired.

12.Sometimes, try not putting www on front of the address (ex. youtube.com instead of www.youtube.com).

13.If your school blocks a certain proxy sometimes you can google it then click on "cached" which will display the page and be able to use the proxy. Adaptive firewalls will catch this and permanently block the site. Also putting spaces in words like p r o x y . a b c 1 2 3 . c o m is a way to search the proxy without the filter catching it.

14.Also, you can try going on some of the same sites hosted by different countries, such as the UK YouTube, because most schools only block the US site, or vice versa.

15.The school will still keep track of your history, so don't go looking up things you shouldn't.

16.The school may block certain MIME types e.g. mp3 files. A proxy will not let you download these.

17.Some schools employ a remote desktop administration system, allowing them to actually monitor your computer's screen from the IT Office, as well as the option of controlling your computer remotely with their mouse and keyboard. If this is the case, they will see you visiting a proxy website, and you will be found out.

18.No instructions here work with some blocking software.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Bypass-a-Firewall-or-Internet-Filter

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