
How to Save Laptop Battery Power When You Really Need it

How to Save Laptop Battery Power When You Really Need it(5)

6.CPU Throttling

The Intel Mobile Pentium?laptops also sport a feature known as CPU Throttling (and named

SpeedStep?by Intel), that actually slows down your processor when you’re running on the

battery. When you’re plugged into your AC, your processor runs full speed ahead. But when

you unplug that cord, it shifts into a lower gear. A processor running at a lower speed and using

less voltage saves your battery even that much more juice.

So now you have a number of tools to implement in order to save your computer’s precious

battery power. But maybe instead on that next long distance flight, you might want to think

ahead and book a seat with a power outlet.

the article source:http://article.websitecn.com/html/article-6/512.html

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