
What Kind of Laptop is Right for Me?

What Kind of Laptop is Right for Me?

Your choice of ISP will be dependent upon two things: budget and location. If the budget allows

and you don't mind paying upwards of $50/month, you can purchase a broadband connection.

However, even if money were no object, your physical location will determine what types of

services are available to you. Broadband is not available everywhere (with the exception of

satellite). If you have a telephone line, you can always choose dial-up. AOL's bread and butter is

dial-up users. Do your research to determine what is available in your area and compare costs.

And for you gamers out there, you definitely need a reliable broadband connection. Gaming over

a lowband connection can be a frustrating experience and sometimes even impossible. You will

need to check out the minimum systems requirement for the games you are interested in using

to make sure the CPU speed and the RAM and graphic chip requirements will suppor the games

you wish to play.

the article source:http://www.usedlaptops.com/laptopblog/

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