
Buy and Use an Uninterruptible Power Supply

How to Buy and Use an Uninterruptible Power Supply(3)


1.AC powered Devices that are attached to the computer, but not under 'battery' protection need to be plugged into 'surge protected' plugs. A lightning strike or car accident that drops high-tension cables onto your lower voltage house lines can follow unprotected circuits into your computer.

2.Recycle dead UPS batteries!

3.Test your UPS every couple of months. Plug a 100 watt lamp into it for a load and make sure it runs for 30 minutes. You may never otherwise find out the battery is gone until you needed it.

4.You can not STORE a UPS. If you're not using it, consider selling it, giving it to a friend/family member, or finding another use for it (i.e. backup for the answering machine). The SLA batteries will self-destruct if not kept charged.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Buy-and-Use-an-Uninterruptible-Power-Supply

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