
Etch a Circuit Board

How to Etch a Circuit Board(3)


Hand-held Drill or Drill Press

Soldering iron


Various drill bits.

1.Before drilling locate all the positions of the through-hole components. Also please note that copper dust is toxic so wear a dust mask.

2.Drill through the board with a bit wide enough to accommodate whatever part must be placed at that location. Remember not to make the hole to wide, or soldering will be very difficult.

3.Place the components on to the circuit board at their designated locations. Gently bend the legs of the component against the underside of the board, to hold the part in place. Make sure parts with polarity are lined up correctly with the corresponding positive and negative. Check and double-check the location of all parts before soldering.

4.Soldering is a skill that requires practice, although it is not inherently difficult. Please see Soldering Electronics for help.

5.Test your circuit board before installing it into its permanent location. Use a multimeter, if possible, to diagnose connection problems. A de-soldering gun can be used to make minor switches and repairs.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Etch-a-Circuit-Board

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