
Format a Floppy Disk

How to Format a Floppy Disk(1)

Ever wondered how to format those floppy disks for use with your computer? Here's how!

1.Go to My Computer (Start->My Computer). If you have the classic start menu, then it's on the desktop.

2.Right click the floppy icon (usually A: or B:) and click Format. You will see the Format Dialogue box

3.Decide on all of the options:
a. apacity: choose how much it can store, best as it is
b.File system: the file system FAT or NTFS, NTFS is not compatible with 3.1/95/88/ME/2000, so leave as FAT
c.Allocation Unit Size: leave as default
d.Volume Label: you can leave blank or choose a label
e.Quick Format: faster, to securely delete all data don't check
f.Create an MS-DOS startup disk: if you want to create a startup disk

4.Click Start when you are finished. A warning box will pop up, read it then click OK.

5.Watch the progress bar and the result of the format. If you didn't select Quick Format, this could take a while.

6.Click Close when it is finished. Your disk is now formatted and can now be used to store your files.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Format-a-Floppy-Disk

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