
Create a Sitemap

How to Create a Sitemap(2)

11.Save the file to you sites directory (or just anywhere if you don't have one).

12.Upload the file to your web server at the highest publicly available directory (normally "www" or "public_html").

13.Go back to Google's webmaster tools, and click on the Sitemaps tab.

14.Click "Add a Sitemap".

15.Select General Web Sitemap on the drop down list.

16.Enter the url of you sitemap. Eg.


17.Click on Add Web Sitemap.

18.That's it! It can take up to a couple of days for Google to download your new sitemap.

It's a good idea to check your site for broken link before you make a sitemap. You can do this online here: http://validator.w3.org/checklink

Make sure you haven't linked to any admin or password protected pages in your site. If you have, they will be included in the sitemap, so make sure you get rid of them first.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Sitemap

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