
Clean up a Slow Performing Computer

How to Clean up a Slow Performing Computer(2)


1.Always preform a spy-ware scan and virus scan weekly if you do minimal file/program downloads. If you do many downloads weekly then I suggest that you perform it daily.

2.Make it an effort to defrag your computer weekly.

3.Never install software that you don't intend to use regularly.

4.Be careful about what you install; most free downloads from certain sites can/will come with some form of spy-ware/mal-ware/gray-ware or worse possibly a virus.

5.To insure safe broadband internet browsing install a firewall program, Micrsoft has one built in with XP, or buy an external firewall router.


1.When using the spy-ware removal program; be sure to go over the directions thoroughly. Since this program makes changes to the registry you can actually make the computer preform worse than before. If you are not an avid computer user, just clean the detected items that appear in red, or just find a friend that knows more about computers.

2.When uninstalling programs be sure you don't need them; some programs are need for the operation of the computer.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Clean-up-a-Slow-Performing-Computer

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