
Etch a Circuit Board

How to Etch a Circuit Board(4)


1.Remember that the circuit board can take up to twenty minutes to etch without agitation, but as little as seven with agitation

2.Circuit boards are relatively cheap. There is a probability that you will make a mistake, so buy enough to work with and make batches of two or more.

3.Do not look directly over your etching basin, or you will inhale toxic gas.

4.For large, complicated boards or large batches a drill press is more reliable and really speeds up the work.

5.If MultiSim is too expensive, or not available, a good free program is PCBExpress or Eagle CAD's free version.

6.Muriatic acid can usually be acquired at a hardware store or pool store.

the article source:http://www.wikihow.com/Etch-a-Circuit-Board

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